Today's prompt is health haikus. Well, at least American haikus, which are a totally different art form from the traditional Japanese haiku. I've shared American haikus with Japanese, and they just shake their heads and tell me that just because it's 5-7-5 doesn't mean it's a haiku. Well WE think it does! That amuses me! :-)
Anyway, here goes:
Pump infusion set.
Pop! goes the weasel into
My tender belly.
Blood sugar goes up
Blood sugar goes down, alas!
Not where I want it.
How many carbs does
That delicious looking plate
Of spaghetti have?
Insulin and carbs
Are not best friends and do not
Play well together.
Pup got a seagull
Kerri got a tall giraffe
Oh, what will I get?
(CGM users will understand this one!)
What's it like to eat
Thinking not at all about
Carbs and insulin?
Enough? :-)
Those are pretty good Natalie! I didn't even try to do any.